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Nareit Foundation - Nareit Hawaii Community Giving Initiative

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The Nareit Hawaii Community Giving Initiative of the Nareit Foundation, a section 501(c)(3) organization supported by REITs that invest in Hawaii, is dedicated to support forward thinking programs that are creating affordable housing solutions and improving the quality of life for families throughout Hawaii.


The Nareit Hawaii Community Giving Initiative will consider grant applications from all Hawaii non-profit organizations engaged in charitable causes that contribute to increasing access to affordable housing in Hawaii. Affordable housing may be new builds and/or rehabilitation of existing affordable housing.

To be considered for a grant, your organization: 1) Must be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and not be classified as a private foundation; 2) Must serve a local community in Hawaii; and 3) Should be aligned with our funding priorities of supporting local affordable housing non-profit organizations and programs. Previous awardees may be eligible for an additional grant to support the original project by the Nareit Hawaii Community Giving Initiative.

The following organizations are not eligible for funding: 1) Organizations that deny service to a potential client or beneficiary on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, veteran or disability status; and 2) Political, labor, fraternal organizations, or civic clubs.

Applications with funding requests for "shovel-ready" projects will be given priority consideration. Applications requesting operational funding will not be considered under this grant.

Key Dates

Deadline to apply:
06/29/2023 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST

Decisions Expected to be Announced:


JustFund offers a common application model designed to save organizations' valuable time.

For questions about how to submit your application, please refer to JustFund's Help Center or contact


Required Questions

  • Proposal Summary (max 140 characters): Think of this like a tweet. Please tell us about the mission of this proposal in a couple of sentences.
  • Proposal Description (recommended 2500 - 3500 characters): Tell us about your proposal.
  • Team Description (recommended 1250 - 2500 characters): Tell us about who comprises the team.
  • Financial Need (recommended 1250 - 2500 characters): Please describe what you will use the funding for.

Application Specific Questions

  • Please describe who will benefit from your program (provide details on how many people you expect to help and other metrics of success with the funds requested) and how our program fulfill the goals of the Nareit Hawaii Community Giving Initiative? *
  • What is the duration of the program and when will your project be completed? What are your expected outcomes or metrics for success? *
  • How did you hear about the Nareit Foundation Community Giving Initiative? Radio, newspaper, social media, tv or other? *

Application Specific Attachments

  • Attach the following in one PDF file: Financial information--1) Total project/program budget and expenses; 2) Describe how your proposal will be implemented at different funding levels of $25,000, $50,000, $75,000 or more; 2) Current organizational operating budget with itemized expenses and revenues; 3) How grant funds will be expended; 4) Additional funding sources received to date and funding commitments from any other sources, including in-kind contributions.
  • Attach the following in one PDF file: Certificate of Good Standing and verification on 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
  • Attach the following in one PDF file: Organizational information: 1) List of officers and directors, including occupations, place of employment, and other relevant affiliations; 2) Annual report or strategic plan, if available.

Contact Information

Name: Gladys Marrone